Making the Right Decisions About Energy Choices Can Help You Create a Comfortable Space

With the proper installation of spray foam insulation it is possible to make certain that you have the most energy efficient property there is to be had. In fact, by contracting with a spray foam trailer company you can make sure that even the highest most remote places in the attic can be adequately filled with the appropriate amount of insulation.

Keeping a house warm in the winter and cool in the summer is a combination of having the most efficient heating and cooling system and the proper insulation. One without the other simply does not offer the right kind of setting for a comfortable home, as well as a place of work. For this reason spray foam rigs are used to make sure that buildings of all sizes are as efficient as possible.
New Homes Can be the Most Energy Efficient
Finding out that you are part of a movement to protect this Earth’s valuable resources can help you take every possible step to make sure that you are living in a home and working in a building that is as energy efficient as possible. Green application and sustainability are important goals of many businesses and non profits. To achieve these goals, however, it is important to make use of the latest technologies. Consider, for instance, these many facts about the green energy movement and the impact that it is having on the world:

  • As more and more people try to improve their home’s energy efficiency, HVAC employment rates are expected to rise 15% between the years 2016 and 2026.
  • Unfortunately, as of today, the U.S. was only behind China is consuming the most energy in the world in 2016 at 2,272.7 million metric tons of oil.
  • The portion of America’s annual energy created by fossil fuel combustion is 82%.
  • Improving the energy efficiency of commercial buildings by 10% would save as much as $40 billion.
  • $400 billion is the combined yearly energy costs of all the industrial and commercial buildings in the U.S.
  • Approximately 56% of the energy used in homes in the U.S. is for heating and cooling, according to the Department of Energy.

Spray foam insulation plays an important role in keeping buildings of all types and sizes as energy efficient as possible. With the help of the latest technologies, in fact, you can make sure that you are able to save money and protect the environment at the same time.