Your days of creating store display ideas are really paying off this month. As you prepare for your daughter’s high school graduation is fast approaching you have been busy trying to make sure that all of the plans are in place. Your daughter and the two friends who she is having the party have plenty of pictures and videos that they want to feature at the party, but you are working on the table decorations. With the use of many of the free standing sign holders that you have used in the past you are able to feature the photos the girls have and create decorations at the same time.
The label display stands, glass door sign holders and other store display ideas serve a purpose beyond the retail platform. Used to label food in a buffet or as a way to direct guests to seating assignments at a large party or reception, there are many ways to use store display ideas. Acrylic stands help create different levels in a display and can help you feature various products in a retail space or special photos in a graduation table display.
Finding the Right Display Stands Help Convey Important Information
Consumers are used to walking into a retail space and scanning the space for any indication of sale signs. They want to know what the bargains of the day are and they want to make sure they check to see if their favorite item has been reduced sense the last time they were in the store. In addition to serving a purpose in a retail space, however, these items can also serve a real purpose at parties, dinners, and art and craft displays.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the sign display industry and how these products can help in other areas:
- Consumers are exposed to an average of 3,000 ads and promotional messages every day.
- Even full priced merchandise performed 18% better with signage than without.
- 77% of consumers will go to a store to shop, although shoppers will use their smartphones to do research on a product before they make a purchase.
- 82% of shoppers make their purchase decisions in the store.
- 60% of purchases in a store can be classified as impulse purchases.
Finding the right way to display an item in a store or planning for a way to make sure that your daughter’s high school diploma is easy to see are great times to use acrylic display stands and other kinds of store display ideas.