Personalized prescription pads

Visiting the vet can be nerve wracking, not just for pets, but for their humans too. Pet parents try to make the experience relaxing and stress free for their furry friends, but they also worry about the diagnosis. All pet owners want to make the right health choices for their pets, but they need help.

As a pet owner, it’s important to ask all of your questions and clarify treatment plans with your veterinarian while you’re there at the clinic. As a vet, it’s important to help pet parent’s out by keeping a clear record. A savvy pet owner can use the notes and the personalized prescription pads from a vet visit to decode their pet’s care plan.

Here are 3 ways personalized prescription pads can help pet owners offer the best for their pet’s health.

  1. Make note of the superscription or “the who”
    Personalized prescription pads will list a “superscription” or the name of the veterinarians taking care of your pet. It will also list the vet’s office phone number, address, and often times even a fax number.

    This can be a great reference if you need to set up an appointment reminder for the same clinician. Vets are required to have a clinical relationship with the animal they prescribe for, so in addition to veterinary business cards, it’s good to keep the prescription handy as part of your records.

    The top of the prescription should also list the date the medication was prescribed and the pet that should take the medication. Use this as a reference if you need to refill or make a second appointment, now you’ll know exactly when your pet was seen last.

  2. Make sure the inscription or “the what” is clear
    After the information about the vet, the appointment, and the patient, a prescription will list instructions to the pharmacist. Often you’ll see an Rx, which stands for recipe. The veterinarian will list the medication and the dosage here. This will be helpful if a future visit requires you to remember what medications your pet has been on before.

    When you pick up your pet’s medication, make sure the prescription bag description matches the personalized prescription pads that you received during your appointment. This is another great opportunity to ask the pharmacist any persisting questions before you get home and have to rely on “the how.”

  3. Focus your attention on the prescription or “the how”
    While both the superscription and the inscription are important for your medical records, the most important part of personalized prescription pads for the pet owner is the actual prescription. This gives instructions on how and when you should administer the medication.

    The note may say something such as “twice a day with food” or “an hour before bed” etc. Be sure you understand the directions, because even the best medication is no good unless it’s administered properly and for its full course!

Being a good pet parent can be complicated. Make it simpler by getting to know your pet’s veterinarian and by familiarizing yourself with all parts of their prescriptions. Good veterinarians will help you out with this process. They want the best for your pet and they’ll work with you to make sure you understand what that looks like.

Veterinarians, you can help your patients out too. Send pet owners home with reminder cards or mail home appointment reminder postcards to help them stay organized. Research shows that 39% of people forget important details and basic information on a weekly basis. Veterinary reminder cards and detailed health care plans help minimize the likelihood that vet instructions will fall of the pet owner’s radar. Personalized prescription pads with clear instructions to the pet owner will help them understand and follow all care plans and lead to a healthy, happy pet.

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