Four Ways To Stop Chargeback Fraud In 2015

Shoppers in the United States charged $4.6 trillion to their credit and debit cards in 2013, and every year more of that money gets spent online. Unfortunately, credit card fraud is on the rise, too.
Online businesses that accept Card Not Present transactions must always stay “on red alert” for costly chargeback fraud. So here are four strategies for chargeback protection ecommerce companies can depend on:
1. Get The Data You Need To Protect Your Business
MasterCard’s system for fraud is the “System to Avoid Fraud Effectively,” or SAFE, and most MasterCard issuers are required to submit fraud reports every month. The company then compiles this data for risk management programs to limit the security threat posed by the credit card chargeback process.
The credit card processing company you work with probably has access to this data, which could help protect your business as well. Try and get your hands on this data and see if it can help improve your security procedures.
2. Include A FAQ On Your Site
Remember, 55% of customers say they would pay more for better customer service, and 60% of Millennials expect a quality experience from online stores. So the smoother your ecommerce system runs, the faster your business will grow. Include a Frequently Asked Questions section on your website to address any problems that might arise and to guide users through the purchase process. Then, update it as you discover new potential issues.
3. Monitor Your Orders For Unusual Activity
If you want to limit card not present chargeback costs, then the first thing you should do is have a formal system in place for monitoring incoming orders, 24/7. Some red flags to watch out for: high-volume orders (especially at unusual times of the day), discrepancies between billing and shipping addresses, and buyers who purchase many items from the same luxury brand at once.
4. Manage Customer Expectations
One online merchant dealing with a surge in unexpected chargebacks made a surprising discovery — her customers didn’t recognize the company name appearing on their credit card statements. Her website and business used different names, and so customers were complaining about charges they actually wanted.
If you want to eliminate card not present chargeback costs, and especially if you suspect fraud, then do your homework first. Check off alternative explanations before you assume fraud.