Guarantee Your Employees the Safety They Deserve With Downdraft Tables

Downdraft table

Health and safety precautions are unfortunately often not addressed until mandated by officials due to employee injuries or even death. Due to the harsh work conditions that accompany many factory and manufacturing jobs, there are often numerous risk factors at play. Fortunately new technologies have been developed in an attempt to create safer work environments.

One increasingly common problem that’s arisen is the presence of lung conditions like silicosis. This ailment is caused by the inhalation of harmful dust particles in the air from the grinding and sanding of different materials. Mechanisms called downdraft tables have been implemented by many companies in an attempt to help the one million American workers currently at risk for developing this aggressive disease.

Some materials being refined in factories have proven to contain dangerous chemicals such as granite which can consist of over 70% silica, the main inducer of silicosis. The methodology behind these devices is to act as dust collection systems which filter the air. If used correctly these machines could greatly reduce the risks of pulmonary diseases.

Another large problem downdraft tables were designed to prevent is the potential for combustible dust collection. When industrial dust is not properly disposed of, it can easily build up in areas with high heat. While these blankets of particles insulate the already high temperatures involved in manufacturing, they’re liable to ignite into fires or even worse, explosions.

Considering 57 combustible dust incidents have been reported as the cause of 26 deaths and 129 more injuries just in the four years from 2009 to 2013, the risks of combustion mixed with silicosis are too high to ignore. In years to come downdraft tables will hopefully become standard and mandatory practices in any manufacturing setting involving sanding or grinding. The purchase of these safety conscious machines is well worth the guaranteed safety of employees and the company alike.

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