How Access Control System Keep a Business Safe

No business owner wants to be a victim of theft. The Center for Retail Research published a study that reported retailers in the United States lose around $45 billion from inventory shrink. You want to do everything possible to ensure your business isn’t losing part of that huge $45 billion this year. It’s understandable to feel overwhelmed at all of the security technology out there. One simple and effective way to keep your company protected is with advanced access control systems. In this post, you will the benefits of access control systems.
Main Types of Access Control Systems
The first type of access control system uses special access cards. These cards are used as the key to access a building. An access card is usually the size of a standard business card. Access cards are given only to employees. In some cases, a business may require temporary access cards given out only to authorized visitors. A business will need a card reader to use with access cards.
Access control systems often involve using a keypad. A special code is given to an employee that grants them access inside the building. A company providing commercial security solutions will work to ensure you have the right code. You will want a code that isn’t easy to figure out while still being easy enough for employees to remember. In the event a past employee is fired, the security code can always be changed. It’s important to know which holidays are notorious for business burglaries. Research shows that more break ins take place during the last two weeks of the calendar year.
Benefits of an Access Control Security System
The main benefit of using advanced access control systems is protection against intruders. Burglars may know how to talk their way around a receptionist. Open doors offer no protection against a crafty thief. Advanced access control systems block access to any unwanted guests. A business owner rests easier knowing authorization must be done before anyone gets into your office.
Another benefit of using advanced access control systems is knowing where employees are. Having workers scan in and out ensures everyone is where they are supposed to be. You don’t want to have to watch over employees by walking around the facilities all day. Having advanced access control systems lets you know who is getting in and out of your business.
Buildings with advanced access control systems often keep burglars away from your location. The common thief doesn’t want to work hard to steal from a business. It’s common to see businesses with old or no security system to be targeted by criminals looking for an easy payday. Research published in 2013 found that burglary victims suffered $4.5 billion in lost property costs. Don’t let your business become another damaged property from burglars.
Advanced access control systems are able to be customized in a wide variety of ways. You can set a system to completely lock a building at set times and dates. A business owner may want facilities locked all day during specific holidays. The lock time can be set to match up to when the business closes. A business owner may want to automatically set locks to be undone at a specific time. Advanced access control systems are made to suit the needs of the user.
In summary, advanced access control systems are popular with many businesses. No business owner wants to worry about who is entering and leaving their facilities. These systems let a company owner have more of an idea of where employees are during operation hours. Control systems keep potential burglars out of your building. In addition, these systems often act as a deterrent for would be criminals. Having advanced access control systems installed is a popular method to keep your business safe.