This is the season when office cleaning really matters. And while many businesses are willing to assign employees to be responsible to this important task, a growing number of businesses realize that it is important to outsource their cleaning to professional janitorial services.
As cold and flu season arrives it is especially important that cleaning is given a high priority. Because offices hold so many areas that harbor germs, it is important to hire professional janitorial services to make sure that every day begins with a clean start. From paying attention to the bathroom spaces to making sure that individual desks and keyboards are frequently cleaned, a clean office keeps employees healthy and on the job.
Whether you are considering joining a gym or you are looking for ways to make sure that your employees stay as healthy as possible, finding the right cleaning services is essential.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the advanced cleaning services that professional janitorial services offer:
- 90% of consumers who perceive their health club as extremely clean indicate that they are likely to renew their membership.
- 72% of adults will not exercise in gyms that have unpleasant odors.
- 88% of adults will not exercise in an athletic facility or gym if they found it to have cleanliness issues, according to a study conducted by Harris Interactive.
- 100% of workers say they are concerned with catching a virus at work.
- 33% of respondents believe their phone and their keyboard are the dirtiest items in their office. Unfortunately, fewer than 10% clean these items often.
- 50% of respondents to a Staples survey indicated that their work colleagues leave the kitchen cluttered with dirty dishes.
Finding the right green cleaning services providers is important in a time when more and more Americans are worried about the environmental footprint that they are leaving. Given that 80% of all cancers are attributed to environmental rather than genetic factors, more and more home owners are increasingly concerned about limiting their exposure to carcinogenic chemicals, many of which are found in household cleaning products. Finding a janitorial service that uses environmentally friendly products can help you be in a place that is both clean and safe.