If you have a minor medical issue, you typically look to go to a walk in clinic to get your problems fixed. If you look for a walk in urgent care, it isn’t something you just run into and ask for help right away. In this video, we take a look at how exactly you should act when you are looking for medical attention.
With every injury, there is a different level of pain. Nurses and doctors are trained to be able to read a patient and they know how much pain any one person is in at any time. So when you walk into a clinic, you don’t need to brag about how painful anything is. Just like any oth er hospital, they will treat you based on the degree of pain you seem to be in. Once you are seated, it’s good practice to be patient while you’re waiting to be seen. Although walk in clinics can be quick, they can also get caught up on a tricky case. Once you see the doctor, be thorough about what types of issues you’ve been having so you can be treated correctly.