Need a Job? Non Profit Employment Agencies Need YOU!

With New Year’s Eve upon us, you may be gearing up to formulate your goals or resolutions for 2016. One of them, in fact, may be finding a better job. As many as 71% of people are estimated to be part of the job market — and that includes those who are unemployed and looking, employed and looking, and employed and open to something else besides their current jobs. If you’ve been considering working with a professional staffing agency or even taking on temp work in your area, then you might consider working specifically with non profit employment agencies to find your next career.
Yet why work in the non profit sector? Simply put, if you need a job, then non profits and charities around the country need your help. Non profit jobs can include everything from fundraising to hands-on work with populations in need, so there’s something for all skill levels and preferences. Here are something to consider before you begin searching for non profit employment agencies in your area:
- There are plenty of non profits out there that need your help. Today, there are more than 1.53 million non profit organizations in the United States. These include roughly 1,061,916 public charities, 102,055 private foundations, and 368,279 other organizations, like fraternal organizations, civic leagues, and chambers of commerce. Public charities alone report revenues of roughly $1.74 trillion per year, 21% of which comes from contributions, such as gifts and government grants, and nearly three-quarters of which (72%) comes from program service revenues. As such, these organizations always need qualified staff members to help them keep their budgets in check, and they do this largely by hiring from temp agencies.
- If you need a job, then these non profits need you. Searching for a job is tough, but fortunately, there are organizations out there that need help. While many people might dismiss temporary or contract work, it has plenty of benefits. It’s flexible enough for someone who doesn’t yet want to commit to a full-time job, and those who are looking for permanent employment may be able to get it through a contract-to-hire situation. Many employers these days like to “try before they buy” employees, so this gives you the chance to work in a new industry and prove yourself along the way.
- Non profit employment agencies can give you an advantage over the competition. The job market is tough. Some research estimates that the average job opening sees approximately 118 applicants, and others claim that number could be as high as 300. Additionally, roughly 71% of people are considered part of the job market, as they are either employed and looking for work, employed and open to finding new work, or unemployed and searching for a job. By having a staffing agency help you by connecting you with a non profit, you have a better chance of securing employment than someone walking in off the street.
Are you considering working for a non profit organization or charity? Make sure you contact a non profit employment agency in your area to find out how you can find a rewarding career.