Three Benefits of Real Estate Signs

Are you in the real estate business and looking for ways to increase your revenue? If so then perhaps you should consider investing in professional signs. Think of it this way: 35% percent of people wouldn’t even know your business existed unless you had a sign displayed. Still not convinced? Here are a few more benefits of real estate signs:
1. Recognition – Half of all new customers say they were initially attracted to a business by an on-premise sign which really makes sense if you think about it. The right kind of sign will draw attention to your business and make customers consider using you versus someone else. Sign companies offer not only the traditional signs that someone sees from the road, but also digital signs to really help make your mark. Businesses with digital signage usually average 30% more sales than businesses with with traditional signage.
2. Sales – It stands to reason that if your signs are bringing in more customers then your sales will increase, but any commercial sign company will tell you that you could be doing more. More than one-third of all consumers report looking at an outdoor ad most of the time they pass one – so are you doing enough outdoor advertising? How about the benefits of banners or post and panel signs? If you are curious about whether or not your business is truly reaping the benefits of real estate signs then contact a local sign company to talk about your options. Chances are that you could tweak a strategy here or add a sign there and find yourself swimming in sales.
3. Broad Marketing – Probably one of the best benefits of real estate signs is how broad you can be with your marketing. You can have digital signage outside your business, monument signs around your office park, led message centers scrolling around various city signs, illuminated signs near the roads, and so much more. The object of signage is to make sure people are able to see your business everywhere. If they see you then they’ll remember you when they need services you provide.
As you can see, the benefits of real estate signs are numerous. Depending on several variables your marketing strategy may be different than other real estate companies which is why it’s best to contact an experienced sign company for advice. They will be able to assess which type of signage you need more of, where you need your signs based on the demographic you are trying to reach, and what the best strategy is for increasing your revenue.