So, there you are, standing in front of the mirror trying to think of a reason to keep your Duran Duran t-shirt you got at their concert in 1987. It has been thirty years since you graduated from high school, and with the reunion looming ever so closely, you wonder if you will ever become the rock star you once dreamed you’d be.
Okay, maybe that isn’t your scenario. What might be closer to your reality is the t-shirt you have in your dresser that you haven’t worn in what might seem like thirty years if it actually hasn’t been that long. The truth is, you probably have many items of clothing you no longer wear or cannot wear because of the condition they are in. You don’t want to throw them out and you are wise not to do so. At the same time, you want them to have some sort of use. That is why you should consider charitable clothing donations.
Clothes donations have an impact far beyond the immediacy of cleaning out your closet. When you donate used clothing, you are helping a number of great charitable causes. Your unwanted and used clothing will get a second life after they leave your home and that is what will make you the rock star you always hoped you would be. Here are three reasons why.
1.) You are helping to save the planet
If you were to simply take all of the used clothing in your home that you no longer want, bag it up and leave it by the curbside to be taken away by the waste management crew, all of those bags would end up in the landfills around the country. As it stands now, Americans put roughly 10.5 million tons of clothing in landfills every single year. In 2006, fabric was kept from the landfills in the amount of 2.5 billion pounds because of used clothing purchases. This is amazing, but as rock stars, we can do better.
2.)You are helping the veterans of our country
When you donate used clothing items, many of them are able to be resold, making money for many charitable causes including United States veterans and their families. Clothing donations for veterans mean a revenue stream for the care and support of our military personnel in all parts of the country. Every year, 4.7 billion pounds of clothing is donated. Clothing donations for veterans directly helps military families because the clothing is resold in thrift stores and the money it generates can supplement wounded veteran care, job placement services, and other charitable work.
3.) You will get a tax deduction
No one expects you do do all of this and receive nothing for it. When you participate in clothing donations for veterans or other charitable causes, you will receive a receipt that you can use to deduct the worth of your donation on your taxes. All smart givers know that donating to a 501 (C) (3) tax-exempt group is the only way to receive this tax break. It is set up so that everyone wins–the charity, the recipients of the charitable cause, and you.
That old Duran Duran t-shirt has served its purpose for you. The band has long since let it go. Now it’s time for you to do the same by putting it in the bag marked clothing donations for veterans or any other charity that welcomes clothing and textiles. Give it away and become the real rock star you were always meant to be.