Hard drive shredder

If your company generates a high volume of secure documents, you may have already looked into having a document storage company manage your documents for you. You may be wondering if this service is worth the investment. The truth is, document storage companies can do so much more than house your important files. Below we have outlined some of the ways document storage companies can help you run a better and more efficient business.

They can help protect you against information theft.

According to the FBI, information theft costs American businesses an estimated $24 billion each year. The financial burden brought on by information theft can take months or even years to recover from, if your business can even recover from it at all. Professional document storage companies can house your documents in secure facilities to protect you from theft and save you money.

They can shred documents so you don’t have to.

If you have documents that you must get rid of, oftentimes document storage and management companies will provide document shredding services to ensure that your documents (and the information they contain) get completely destroyed. The shredding of documents is essential for keeping your business’ information secure, safe and confidential. Hiring a document storage company to complete this task for you saves you from spending time and money on shredding documents in house.

They can help you “be green”.

In today’s world, so much value is placed on “being green”. Unfortunately, many businesses lack the time and money it takes to make several eco-friendly changes. One change that’s easy to make is to have a reputable document management company help you recycle your documents. When searching for paper shredding services, make sure that their policy is to recycle shredded paper. Remember, paper is the most commonly found material in solid waste around the world, but it doesn’t have to be!

They help you conserve space

When your documents are moved to a storage facility, you will free up space in your office so you can use it for other purposes. Having a comfortable break room or a spacious conference room can help your employees be more efficient and happier at their jobs. Having a huge storage closet full of files cannot do those things. Also, storing your documents and shredded paper at an outside facility will reduce your risk of fires.

So, if secure document storage is something your business needs, you may highly benefit from having a document storage company do the work for you. From providing secure shredding services to safe and confidential storage, document storage companies can prove to be a great asset to your business.

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