Condominium fire protection service

Fire protection companies provide vital protection and safety options for businesses. Losing a business to fire is devastating and, when combined with injury or loss of life, can be a disaster from which most companies do not recover. Using fire protection companies to prevent, detect an damage fires at a business premises, then, is vital. Few small business owners realize the crucial role such systems play in keeping them and their business safe.

Hotel and motel owners and managers should know that fires in such buildings result in 15 deaths and over 150 injuries every year and cause more than $76 million in property damage and loss. While warehouse fires usually result in higher than average property losses per fire than most other types, they tend to have lower than average rates of injury for every 1,000 fires. However, the incidence of warehouse fires has been decreasing, falling from 4,700 in 1980 to just 1,200 in 2011. More than half of all high-rise fires take place in four property types, namely apartments, hotels, offices, and hospitals and other facilities that care for the sick.

The need then to invest in fire protection systems which detect and suppress fire cannot be overstated. Non-chemical suppression systems work effectively more than 95% of the time in commercial areas with large oven ranges. Sprinklers also play a very important role, operating in 91% of all reported structure fires big enough to activate them. This excludes buildings under construction and buildings without sprinklers in the fire area. Chemical systems are also good options. Most surface burning and open flaming will stop when chemical systems creates CO2 concentration in the air reaches of 20% or less.

When combined with on-site, trained fire response personnel, fire detection systems will have a larger impact on a broader range of fire scenarios, if a fire response is possible within 3 minutes. In such circumstances, then, more than three minutes of warning needs to be provided by fire detection systems before the end of the incipient stage. if systems are able to provide a 10 to 15 minute warning ahead of the end of the incipient stage, regardless of whether fire suppression systems are activated or where the fire is located, damage should be limited by the fire department. Fire sprinkler inspections should happen regularly.

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