Water softeners illinois

There are over 2,100 toxins and harmful materials that may be present in tap water — and those are just the ones we currently know about. What’s more, problems arising from these contaminants aren’t altogether uncommon. Recently, homeowners and renters in Mississippi, Florida, and even parts of the U.K. have been advised to boil tap water before drinking it until further notice.

Is Boiling Water 100% Effective?
Sadly, the answer is no. That’s pretty alarming news, given that Fort Lauderdale, Florida recently advised residents to boil water because the “city’s water wells tested positive for E. coli,” according to a 10News report. Officials discovered cryptosporidium parasite in several U.K. water wells, and coliform bacteria has infested various Mississippi wells. And that’s just this week. The good news is that boiling will kill most bacteria, parasites, and most germs. Other unsafe particles and materials — things like nitrate, lead, and pesticides — can linger in your water supply even after you boil it. Not to mention, boiling any and all water before use is timely and inconvenient. Health departments warn that boiled water must be used in all cases, even when making and freezing ice cubes.

There Is A Better Way
Instead of relying on personal or city wells to be contaminant-free, it is more than possible for homeowners and renters to take matters into their own hands. Water filtration systems, including well water treatment, water management systems, and household water softener systems, ensure the safety of water. “Water filters that use filtration methods such as adsorption, carbon, activated carbon, kinetic degradation fluxion (KDF), and particulate filtration produce filtered drinking water,” Water Benefits Health writes. The best water systems can filter toxins out completely; some systems guarantee as much as 33% reduction in cryptosporidium and other parasites and bacteria that can result in illness.

The best water systems are far superior to boiling water should a contamination or emergency occur. Ensure the safest possible drinking water and household water at all times with a reliable and trusted filtration system.

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