5 Tips to Have a Better Experience with Your Outsourced Janitorial Services Company

It’s vital to know a building cleaner job description. Also, it’s best to know a firm’s basic janitorial services before hiring them. Janitor businesses come in handy in tidying up residential and commercial premises. Another title for janitor services is cleaning services. Many people nowadays prefer to outsource cleaning services.
Communication with your janitorial service is of great importance. Local janitorial services are more likely to know the local regulations and factors that influence your building’s cleanliness or lack thereof. For this reason, it’s always best to work with a local apartment building janitor service.
Your janitor should notify you of any delays and reasons for them if there are any. It’s also advisable to state your expectations from the beginning clearly. Doing this before signing a contract with your janitorial service prevents confusion over what is expected of both parties.
Communication will follow a two-way street. If you have any special requests, you must let your janitorial service know about them. The janitorial staff will then do what they can to meet your expectations and needs.
It would help always to strive to get excellent service from the janitorial service you hire. Sometimes, the cleaning services may not meet your expectations. In that case, you should look elsewhere for an outsourced cleaning service that meets your needs.

If you own or manage your own business, you probably know how important it is to keep a clean workplace. Most people have no idea that the average desk is more dirty and teeming with germs than a toilet. Moreover, when your clients and customers come to your place of business, you do not want them to be turned away because your company is not clean. Going with an outsourced janitorial services company is really your best bet for keeping a clean business. There are some things you can do to have a better experience with your cleaning company.
- Get a few quotes in writing, When you are first looking for a new office cleaning company, make sure you get at least three quotes from different professional cleaning services companies. Make sure when you get the different estimates that they are itemized and all in writing. It s much easier to compare quotes when you have them all in writing but that is not the only reason you should do this. You want to make sure you know how much you are paying and what you are paying for. This will cut down on any confusion and prevent you from having unpleasant surprises on your bill later on.
- Ask the companies you are looking to hire about their staff. Ask about how they find their staff, what kind of training they provide and how long the people tend to stay with the outsourced janitorial services company. Happy workers do a better job than those who are unhappy. You want to hire a company who puts a lot of energy into finding the best people to work for them and then treats them well. Turnover is expensive for all companies and you will end up footing the bill for their problems keeping workers. The people who clean your business will most likely do their job when no one is there so you have to feel ok with them coming and going without any supervision.
- Make sure they have the right certifications and insurance. When you are hiring or looking to hire an outsourced janitorial services company, you need to make sure they have the right amount of insurance and whatever certifications they need to do the work in your area. You should ask the company when you are interviewing them but you also need to do some homework and check what they tell you. If they do not have the right kind and level of insurance and someone is hurt while working at your business, it can cost you a lot. It is worth it to spend some time checking what they tell you.
- Talk to them about using green products. Many people do not realize how bad for you it can be to use a lot of chemicals in the home and at work. Using the wrong chemicals indoors can lead your indoor air to be 300 times more polluted that the air outside. It has been estimated that there are more than 17,000 petrochemicals that can be used in cleaners and only 30% of those have undergone testing for how they impact human health. The good news is that new cleaner and greener cleaning products have been developed to get the same level of cleanliness while being better for the environment and human health.
- Ask about your options. You can schedule the cleaners to come every night, once a week or on a different schedule. They do not have to do the same level of cleaning every time they arrive at your business. You may need a weekly or monthly full clean combined with lighter cleaning through the week. Ask the different companies about the options they can offer you to get what you need at a price you can afford.
There are a number of reasons you really want to make your business as clean as possible. You will reduce absenteeism among your staff if you have a more clean workspace for them. When you take the time to interview and talk to different outsourced janitorial services companies, you can find the best one for you.