Do you love cars? Do you love working with people? Then starting your own transmission shop may be the perfect idea for your small business! Just remember that it’s important to go into business prepared. Here are some tips to get you started.

Before you get started, you want to make sure this is really what you want to do. You shouldn’t be starting your own shop just because you want to make your own hours or be your own boss, you may be missing the bigger picture.
Owning a shop should be an end in itself, meaning it’s something you’re passionate about and really want to do. If you don’t have the motivation, then keeping up a shop is going to be a big challenge.
You should also think about finding a good business partner. Perhaps this could be someone you’ve worked with at past shops. Make sure they’re someone you can trust and who has good business sense. Having the right partner can take your business to new heights.
With the right plans and support, your business has the potential to take off! Just make sure you have plenty of liquid capital to start with. You’ll need it for all the clients who want the best parts on the market.