E-Commerce in the Digital Age How to Utilize Logistics Management Services

The Digital Age has brought significant changes to what it takes to run a business. A physical storefront isn’t enough anymore. Maintaining a strong online presence is vital in the optimal success of any organization. On top of maintaining social media profiles and a website, many companies are choosing to open an online store in junction with their brick and mortar storefront.
The e-commerce industry has boomed in the last decade. This has allowed some businesses to operate solely online while others use it as a way to supplement their profits. Sales made online are expected to reach $500 billion by 2018. While this is an exciting time for small businesses everywhere, there is a significant amount of logistics that come with e-commerce: order fulfillment, fulfillment distribution, warehousing logistics, marketing supply chain management, etc. When piled on top of everyday duties, it can become overwhelming and stressful.
Luckily, the e-commerce boom has brought with it companies that offer logistics management services. Using research and personal experience as a guide, these companies focus on handling the logistics of e-commerce, handling products all the way from the warehouse to the front door of the consumer. When taken off the plate of the business owner, this free up time and resources to focus on the many other aspects of running an organization.
A consumer survey found that shoppers are happiest when check-out is easy, there is a variety of products, and they have the ability to track their purchases online. These are all factors that dictate how logistics are handled.
From the warehouse to the corporate office, head honchos are realizing how important visibility is to the business. In 2015, 59% of warehouse managers were determined to increase supply chain visibility. This was a significant increase from 2014 (28%). With an increase in conspicuity, the barriers between consumers and suppliers are broken down.
Logistics management services include keeping an open dialogue with current and prospective consumers shopping online, breaking down the walls that once divided businesses and their customers. Welcome to the future of shopping.