The Cost of Having a Messy Desk

Whether you need numbered dividers, small ring binders, laser labels, or D ring binders, get whatever you need to stay organized, because a messy desk is more costly than you might think. Here are just a few things you might not know about staying organized at work.
Messy desks hamper productivity. – The work day is stressful and busy enough, so why would you do anything that might make their day harder? It’s an odd thought, and yet how often have you heard people describe their desks as “organized chaos?” Though it might make sense to them at the time, the fact of the matter is that messes get in the way of productivity. One survey found that almost eight in 10 people think unorganized can hamper productivity.
Messes actually cost a lot of money. – You might not think it’s such a big deal to have a messy desk, but it actually has a very real cost. One study found that the collective messy desks of the U.S. and all the time people in the U.S. spend looking for lost and misplaced items eats up $177 billion each and every year.
Cluttered desks are unbecoming. – If you want your co-workers and colleagues to respect you, you’re going to need to keep your desk as neat and organized as possible. The majority of Americans (57%) admit that they judge coworkers based on how clean or dirty they keep their work-spaces. In other words, if you’re desk is messy, you run the risk of your co-workers, peers, and colleagues thinking that you’re slovenly, which may cause them to lose trust and faith in you.
Having a messy desk has a very real impact on your work. It can prevent you from being able to get work done as well, costs time and money, and may even lose some of your co-workers’ respect. In other words, you need to do whatever it takes to keep your desk clean, whether it’s numbered dividers or small ring binders.