One Womans Story of Entering the World of Plumbing

There are careers that have been thought to be masculine. Women in the last few decades have found themselves getting into fields that have been previously thought to be a preserve for men. One such woman found herself in the plumbing industry. A daughter of a doctor she initially tried being a nurse but she felt a great lack of self-achievement in that career.
That is when she tried plumbing. Finding a company that had strong values and a supportive team helped her morph into her career with ease. She was well-received in the company and she quickly gained her reputation by completing all tasks assigned with great ease.
The job did not in any way deter her from being herself. In fact, she was able to earn a good living and had time enough to spend with her family. She takes great pride in her motherhood and the role she is playing in changing the mindset of young women about plumbing. She has gone back to school to study medicine, but plumbing is part of her. She will continue plumbing no matter where she is in life. Her story should be an inspiration to young women that they can do anything they set their minds to.