Easy Customizable Packaging Solutions/Options

We live in a thoroughly consumer culture. Advertising has always been a difficult industrial arena to break into but nowadays it’s even more difficult than it used to be. There are more products and services out there than ever before and people are going to have their own hard time choosing what the right product is for them. As creators and distributors, there’s only so much we can do until the product ends up on shelves and it’s up to what consumers want to try and buy. Back in the old days, it was slightly different and there were different methods of distributing and packing. The most common form of advertisement were television advertisements and billboards and even those were available only to those who can afford them. Today, most of us have access to some sort of advertising tools if we need them via the internet but back then the internet just didn’t exist. It was an entirely analog world and analog was the only way to reach people. Radio commercials helped as well but these were still just as expensive as anything else. Whether you trying to sell a small utility box, something in retail packaging or just trying to come up with customizable packaging solutions/options, there was the difficulty in just getting your product noticed. But in the modern day and age, everything from the utility storage box to customazible packaging solutions/options is easily found and easily distributed into the world. So, with this in mind, how hard is it exactly to get your product noticed? What are some of things you should do with your packaging and what is the best way to get noticed and stand out among all of your competitors?
Colors and Shapes
IT might sound a little juvenile but the right concentration of colors and shapes can really get your product to pop. For example, say you were selling a new sort of toy. Say a stuffed dinosaur, for instance, or something of the like. Well, there’s no guarantee that the public consumers are going to notice your product when it’s on a shelf next to twenty other stuffed dinosaurs so you’ve got to do your best to get out ahead of the competition. Try taking the color of your product and adding textures and swirls like scales or maybe the outline of a wide and outstretched mouth. You have to make sure the texture and color of your packaging pop or else people might miss it. That’s the last thing you want in this instance. Kids are drawn to bright colors and active shapes on the packaging, they want action and the promise of fun. There are plenty of subtle ways to imply this on your packaging without saying it out loud. Of course, this isn’t always a bad idea in some circumstances. Speaking of.
Words and Phrases
The second suite of easy customizable packaging solutions/options you might want to try comes down to what words and phrases are on your packaging. You don’t want to overcrowd your packaging with words and phrases but you want enough to fulfill a few basic requirements. First of all, the parent and the child need to fully understand the purpose and basic function of the object you are selling. Going back to the stuffed dinosaur story for a moment, the kid will want to know what she is supposed to do with the dinosaur, whether it’s a more imagination based toy or whether it has other features. Maybe the dinosaur roars and lights up or something of that nature. The parent will also be as interested if not more interested in this facet of information because it will likely affect the price. This is where these customizable packaging solutions/options come in handy. With all of these customizable packaging solutions/options handy, you’ll know exactly how best to advertise your product. The second requirement of text based packaging, by the way, you’ll want is to make the text big and bold so that parents can read it and it can’t be missed. With these two requirements fulfilled, your product is bound to be a hit no matter what store it’s in.