Sustainability Positively Contributes to Longterm Shareholder Value

Solutions architects spent their work hours navigating and satisfying the needs of customers, sales people, and programmers. With knowledge of everything from cloud-based enterprise compliance solutions and risk management solutions, solutions architects brainstorm and problem solve until all three groups are satisfied with the delivered product.
And while solutions architects navigate the balanced need between sales, customers, and programmers, an entire different staff navigates health, safety, and environmental needs. Just as important as sales, programming and customer satisfaction, environment, health and service (EHS) agencies deal with everything from workplace safety issues and environmental recycling and air quality standards. The importance of these EHS standards is complicated by the paperwork and records that all companies must keep on file. Fortunately, cloud-based enterprise compliance solutions provide software packages and support to make sure that even Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards are followed, updated and recorded. OSHA log software is one example of a platform that helps companies maintain and record their safety procedures.
Even though important, the EHS responsibilities offered by many companies are often quietly performed. Consider the following statistics:
- 43% of employees indicate that they want the ability to give feedback to their EHS team.
- 45% of employees indicate that they do not feel comfortable pointing out potentially unsafe behaviors to peers or supervisors.
- 72% of employees indicate that they were largely unaware of their company’s EHS responsibilities and functions.
- 75% of employees indicate that feeling safe and secure in the workplace is very important to them.
Clearly, although some employees do not know about EHS services, they are needed. And although some employees are reluctant to self report EHS violations, health and safety and compliance is still important. With the use of EHS reporting software, companies can more efficiently monitor and report everything from recycling efforts and air quality numbers. Platforms that help enterprises manage risk are only as valuable as the reports that are generated from these platforms.
Employees and shareholders alike benefit from the physical aspects and the customer relations of these EHS guidelines. In fact, 92% of recently surveyed CEOs indicate that risk management information is important, and in some situations crucial or critical, to long-term success. Conversely, only 23% believe they have comprehensive information about these risks to their business. EHS services using the most detailed reporting software can help close this gap.