Professional christian women

Are you a Christian looking to expand their job opportunities? Finding the ideal work environment that embraces your belief system and values can seem daunting, but it’s more than possible when you use the right resources. Everything from Christian seminars to work organizations are right at your fingertips and can help you with everything from public speaking to networking. Continue reading to learn more about the benefits of a Christian speakers bureau, Christian womens events and how they can help you with your future career.

Did You Know?

It’s estimated around 32% of the world is Christian, followed closely by Muslims and Buddhists. According to the Center for the Study of Global Christianity (CSGC), it’s estimated there are approximately 41,000 Christian denominations and organizations all throughout the world. An estimated 34% of evangelical Christians identify with the statement that ‘it’s more difficult to be a member of their religious group’ in the recent years.

Working As A Christian

When it comes to finding stable work, it all boils down to the magic word — networking! A whopping 80% of jobs are found solely through networking and connecting with people throughout the workforce, which means going to dinner parties and sending e-mails should be just as high on your priority list as building your portfolio. Christian women events are tailored specifically to help women of the Christian faith counter common issues found in their work environments, such as negotiating salary or applying for maternity leave.

Finding A Christian Speakers Bureau

It can be difficult getting off on the right foot with your career and a Christian leadership conference can help you garner the skills you need to thrive. It’s been found only 7% of women feel comfortable negotiating their salary, while 84% of workers in general prefer in-person meetings compared to voice chat or e-mail. While it’s possible to avoid these situations, learning how to navigate the tumultuous and complex waters of the working world with basic social and financial skills will go a long way in keeping you prepared — whether it’s Christian conferences for women or finding a Christian mentorship, there are a plethora of options available for the hard-working Christian!

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