Scratching The Surface How Does Dry Ice Blasting Remove The Vast Majority Of Contaminants?

Not all cleaning methods are created equal.
There’s certainly nothing wrong with a simple dusting or sweeping session. When you need a truly deep clean that eliminates the vast majority of contaminants, dry ice blasting should be high on your list. Designed with an acute combination of pressure and temperature, this powerful resource is perfect for a wide variety of environments. It can ensure your restaurant’s kitchens are spotless, your medical facility is safe and your manufacturing plant is supporting workers rather than hindering them.
Dry ice blasting companies are ready and waiting to bring out the best in your establishment. Learn more about how it works below.
The History Of Dry Ice Blasting
While dry ice cleaning seems modern, it’s been in use for some time now. The first patent regarding dry-ice technology was issued all the way back in the 1940’s, since refined to be easily accessible to any business or establishment. Many companies are finding superficial cleaning methods to be inefficient for preventing the onset of illness and general contamination. When you’re asking yourself how to get a long-lasting solution you can count on, the potent mixture of temperature and pressure will get the job done.
How Dry Ice Blasting Works
Vacuuming, sweeping and wiping down counters is good for day-to-day maintenance, but contamination has a tendency to build right under your nose. Dry ice blasting functions by using air compressed between 80 and 90 PSI to blast pellets of dry ice at such a high velocity all surfaces are left spotless. Carbon dioxide is generally harmless and around 40% heavier than the air we breathe, though it can still change atmospheric conditions if the dry ice blasting area isn’t well-ventilate. This is a major reason why all CO2 cleaning should be left to the professionals.
Using Safe Cleaning Methods
There are many ways to ensure you’re cleaning properly and not accidentally replacing old contaminants with new ones. Any and all cleaning supplies should be organic, as recent studies have concluded the majority of household cleaning chemicals to be linked to cancer. Dry ice doesn’t just use heavy pressure, but also extreme temperature to kill bacteria. It’s extremely cold at less than -100 degrees Fahrenheit. When exposed to warm temperatures it will change from a solid into a gas.
Three Types Of Contaminants
There are three different types of contaminants you need to keep an eye out for, whether you work in the food industry or are concerned about the cleanliness of your medical industry. You have biological contaminants, which include microorganisms and various forms of bacteria. You have chemical, which include cleaning solvents, pest control and perfumes. The last type of contaminant is physical, which includes any type of dust, dirt, hair, pollen, pet dander and mold.
Using Ice Blasting Solutions For Your Business
Sometimes you need to look beyond the surface. To clean surfaces with dry ice is to give both your employees and your customers peace-of-mind. A recent study provided by the Mayo Clinic saw over 90% of chronic sinus infections being attributed to mold alone, which doesn’t even cover the amount of illnesses spread through dirty counters, keyboards and phones. Medical device manufacturers are realizing more and more that dry ice blasting can even reduce cleaning time by as much as 75% by getting between the cracks and saving workers time and effort.
When you want to enjoy a clean environment and all the financial benefits that follow, CO2 cleaning services are just around the corner.