How LED Signs Can Help Schools and Churches Stay Connected to the Community
When you have a message to communicate, it helps to make it visible. LED and digital signs for schools, churches, municipalities and businesses can be used to announce special events, closings, good news and more. Signs with changeable lettering that have a high visibility keep the community informed with a minimum of effort and expense.
Continue Reading...3 Benefits to Hiring Temp Services to Find Candidates Temp Jobs
Do you have temp positions you need filled at your company? Since temp jobs change so frequently, it?s easier to let a staffing company handle this type of task. There?s no reason to make an employee of your company oversee the recruiting and hiring or temp employees. It takes extra time and effort away from
Continue Reading...Mediation Myths and Misconceptions
Stand-by mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and can be useful during negotiations that may want to avoid litigation. A mediator is trained to recognize opportunities to find an acceptable settlement for all participating parties and to ease the process to negotiation. Common Myths about Mediation ?I can?t bring my attorney to
Continue Reading...Non Traditional Mortgages for Non Traditional Real Estate Purchases
Purchasing real estate has changed over the years. Approximately 10-20 years ago, buyers simply had to prove that they had a source of income. However, after the recession and the crash of the real estate market, loan lenders have tightened their lending requirements and have increased the application process. Buyers of nontraditional real estate, including
Continue Reading...4 Benefits of Direct Mail Advertising
Many pieces of direct mail are sent around the world every single day. Statistics show that 39% of customers try a new business because of advertising through direct mail. Many companies utilize direct mail to reach a wide range of customers, some of which don’t use a computer at all. Here are four benefits of
Continue Reading...Three Reasons Donating Used Clothing Makes You a Rock Star
So, there you are, standing in front of the mirror trying to think of a reason to keep your Duran Duran t-shirt you got at their concert in 1987. It has been thirty years since you graduated from high school, and with the reunion looming ever so closely, you wonder if you will ever become
Continue Reading...What Would Happen if Your Building Caught Fire?
Making sure that your building is adequately protected from fire isn’t just a small deal. Having the right fire protection services in place can protect your building and save you thousands of dollars in property damage. In fact, having fire alarm systems in place might save you money immediately, through property insurance discounts. And most
Continue Reading...Be Proactive When It Comes to your Heating and Cooling Services
Often, we take the air conditioning in our homes and businesses for granted, until it fails to work properly. Air conditioners use about 5% of all electricity produced in the United States. Improper HVAC installation can reduce system efficiency by up to 30%. It can cost you more on your utility bills and possibly shorten
Continue Reading...Where Were You During the 2017 Solar Eclipse?
You would have been hard pressed to fins an aerial survey company available for a job in many places in America on Monday, August 21, 2017. In fact, even an aerial survey company that was not directly in the totality line of the solar eclipse may have been booked as enthusiasts and journalists from around
Continue Reading...Businesses Lose Over $4 Billion To Property Damage Every Year Why You Need A Surveillance Camera
You work hard to keep your business safe every day. Small actions and large actions alike create the collective that soothes your fears and protects your future. When a breach in security or unwelcome stranger threatens all that hard work, you’ll search high and low for technology that can help you. Reliable and effective security
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