Starting a Legal Cannabis Business? Consider Working with Cannabis Consultants First

It’s a good idea to try and make sure that you start your cannabis business in the right way. This can help you avoid issues that may cost you time and money in an effort to fix. Work with professionals throughout the process to ensure that you get a professional look in the end and […]

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Three Essential Tips for Safer, More Effective Forklift Battery Washing

Washing forklift batteries is one of the most vital components of maintaining any forklift battery. These batteries become dirty and covered in acid residue and sulfuric build-up during everyday use, which can all contaminate its surface, corrode its terminals and compromise the lifespan of a forklift battery. When each forklift battery makes up an incredible […]

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Wondering How to Get a Marijuana Business License? Try These Three Simple Tips

In the United States, the cannabis industry is expanding at a rapid pace, and as a result, more and more entrepreneurs want to start their own businesses. From medical marijuana dispensaries to recreational retail outlets, and from cultivation to wholesale, there are all types of businesses that operate in this multi-million dollar industry. If you’re […]

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Think Twice Before You Skip the Shred

Business is private and that privacy is at the center of whether or not businesses will prosper or fall. This includes everything from a list of clients to the recipe of every special sauce. So what happens when employees are lazy with tedious tasks like soliciting document shredding services. Here are some tips for steering […]

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The Two Main Types of Wet Cooling Towers

When it comes to wet cooling towers, the evaporative process may seem rather simple (since evaporation is something that most people learn in grade school science classes); but because industrial cooling towers have been developed so much in order to increase efficiency while decreasing environmental impacts, and because these towers have been designed to accommodate […]

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What Not to Do When You’re Hiring Sales People

One of the most integral parts of any business is the sales team. If you don’t have a qualified group of people to sell your products and manage your accounts, you’re probably not going to be in business very long. What makes hiring a sales team so difficult is that though the sales team is […]

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Three Things You’ll Probably Experience With Your CPAP Mask

CPAP machines have become one of the most common solutions for treating obstructive sleep apnea, but it’s no surprise that many first-time users have some trouble getting comfortable with the masks and experience a few weird side effects of using a CPAP machine. Here are a few things to expect when you start sleeping with […]

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Three Types of Properties That Could Benefit from Parking Lot Vacuuming Services

While you may know what street sweeper trucks do, you might not realize that they can also be used for parking lot vacuuming, too. Sweeper trucks have various attachments that not only allow for street and parking lot vacuuming, but they also can scrub pavement down to the microscopic level. This helps ensure that roadways […]

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